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Do You Have A SDP (Self Develop Plan)? Your Success Depends On It!

by Sueños on 06/06/17

Do you have a SDP (Self Develop Plan)?  Most of us have heard of IDPs (Individual Development Plans).  However, SDPs are significantly more important.  While an IDP is very helpful and demonstrates your employer’s commitment to your development, your SDP demonstrates your commitment to yourself.   It is you accepting responsibility for your long term development.  It is a plan which aligns with your values and your unique talents.  It is your roadmap for the career/life you want to experience.  Set aside some quiet time this weekend and beginning jotting down thoughts about what you would like to be doing short, mid, and long term.  Remember no judgement.  None of, “this isn’t possible” or “I could never do that”.  Just jot it down unfiltered and un censored.  Do not try to complete it in one sitting.  It is a live document.  It will never be finished.  Go back to it regularly and make updates, fine tune, or delete.  Your values and priorities will change over time.  We all think someone will come and tap us on the shoulder as we are hunkered down over that task and bring us that opportunity we have been waiting for.  Well that someone is you.  Accept responsibility for your development, your future.

5 Misconceptions About Meditation

by Sueños on 06/05/17

After meditating for almost two years now, I have become quite the advocate for the practice. It awards me a calm I can find when I feel stressed, and it helps ease me to bed on sleepless nights. It should be no surprise to anyone that I recommend the practice to nearly everybody I meet. However, as I recommend the practice, I'm met with a lot of rebuttals.  Today I hope to address some of these popular misconceptions, and show everyone that meditation can be for them!

You Don't Have to Quiet Your Mind
So often we associate the meditation with the phrase, "Silence Your Mind." I have found this about as useful as someone telling me not to think of a giant giraffe in a tutu. Of course that's going to make me think of a giant giraffe in a tutu, and in the same way being told to silence my mind is immediately going to make me think about all the extraneous things I have to do today. Instead, I recommend people follow the endeavor from a perspective of increased awareness. Notice the sensations of breathing in and out, watch your thoughts and recognize the power you exert over them. Feel the sensation of your butt against the floor. Take better notice of your posture, and where the tense parts of your body are. I have found that silence in the mind comes as a bi-product of meditating from this perspective, but meditation, for me, has always been about increased awareness, never about silence. 

You're Going to Get Distracted
Inevitably you're going to get distracted during your practice, and it's often at this point that people become frustrated with the whole practice and give up entirely. However, I've found it's during these moments where I notice my distraction and move my focus back to my breath that my practice grows the most. It's okay to have a distracted mind during your practice, just be aware of it.

You Do Have the Time
This is perhaps the most frequent rebuttal I get. People feel as though their morning hours are precious, a sentiment I understand as I love getting my 8 hours, however, meditation, much like going to the gym, creates its own time. It does this by adding to your overall quality of life, and reducing your chance for things like Alzheimer's and dementia. Think of it this way, you could come home and watch T.V. right away, or you could take that time and put it towards something that will overall improve your quality of life. Surely that's worth the time to finish just half an episode of House of Cards.

Meditation Isn't Just Sitting With Your Eyes Closed
When people think of meditation, they often envision people sitting with their legs crossed, chanting Om, surrounded by a cloud of incense. However, meditation occurs in any moment you choose to have a focused awareness on the task at hand. I mentioned in a previous post that one can turn their everyday chores into meditation should they choose to do them with an attempt at total awareness. Meditation can be driving in traffic, washing the dishes, even working, so long as they are done with the attempt of increased awareness. It is to attempt these tasks without finding any portion of it mundane or trivial, but each part interesting and new. 

You're Never Going to be Perfect
You're never going to have a meditation session that is perfect. You may have some that are pretty darn close, but it's called a practice for a reason. It's going to take time, and unlike working out, you may not feel the results immediately, however, you'll begin to notice them on the little things. One day your food will be late, you'll be waiting in a particularly long line, or your waiter will get your waiter wrong, and instead of being frustrated or discontented, you'll just laugh.

I hope this cleared something up for you if you were unsure of the practice! I've dedicated my life to spreading the benefits of this practice, because I know the incredible change it made in my life. I hope you can find the same transformation I did.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to read more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

What's Going on This Summer at Los Sueños Institute

by Sueños on 06/02/17

Still looking for a beautiful vacation this summer, but unsure where to spend it? Look no further! We've got so many incredible transformative experiences, that will be sure to help you feel refreshed and renewed. 

Energy Focused Living
This wellness retreat is a one of a kind experience. Its focus is to leave you with the tools you will need to effectively create the life you've always dreamed of. Get ready for a week of meditation in the woods, yoga with stunning mountain views, world class farm to table meals, and hiking and kayaking in some of the most picturesque places. This is accompanied by the teachings of Juan-Manuel Sanchez, a former HR guru, who will help you implement these tools in your daily life, so that you may make your dreams a reality. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!

Coaching Certifications
If you are ready to take the next step in your career, this certification if for you. During this intensive week long experience, you will learn the techniques necessary to help you effectively coach clients into developing their own awareness. Our coaching certification will help you create  effective change in the lives of many, and connect you with a network of our many, talented coaches. We'll offer you the support you need to build a client base, and jump start your new, meaningful career. Join today!

Glamping Sites
Need the Sueños experience, but on your own terms? No worries! Starting this summer, we have three, beautiful, glamping tents available for rent. Located on the river front, you'll be delighted by the songs of birds and soothed by the river. It's a one of a kind experience! Enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds of our glamping village by reserving today!

Why Every HR Pro Serious About The Future Of Their Career Needs To Be A Certified Energy Coach!

by Sueños on 05/31/17

The #1 challenge for HR Professionals going forward is their ability to generate and modulate the energy of their organization!   I have watched HR metamorphosis over the years from the humble beginnings of the insurance lady (I recognize this sounds sexist but it was accurate in the day), the policy enforcer, the anti-discrimination/affirmative action compliance officer, the downsizing, reorg, or offshoring expert commonly known as business partner.  With each shape shifting came new titles, responsibilities, new skills and or educational requirements, more work, but seldom more money.  Yet the tried and true HR troops marched on through good economies and bad.  Now comes our biggest challenge yet!  With the escalation of the global economy and a truly one world work place.  The HR Professional of the future will be measured by their ability to generate and modulate the energy of their organization.  Your ability to affect the energy of your workplace to make an exciting place where the best of your talent wants to stay and attract the best of the talent in the marketplace.  Your ability to affect the energy of your workplace to create a professional space which encourages individuals to focus on creative actionable solutions rather than negative office politics.   Your ability to affect the energy of your thought leaders to develop the clarity of opportunities and challenges necessary to build a strategical road-map for your organization.  This is why I am saying going forward all HR professionals serious about HR need to be a Certified Energy Coach.  It is the biggest challenge we have faced in Human Resources but like times in the past we will rise to these new challenges!

How Bad Do You Want It?

by Sueños on 05/30/17

When clients begin with me, it's usually because they have some sort of goal they would like to attain. For some it's clarity on a life choice, others have their sights set on a specific career goal. Whatever it is, our wellness regiment is designed to help you make the right decisions and perform at your peak in all facets of your life. So, the question then becomes, how bad do you want it?

Beginning these things certainly isn't easy, but they are tools that will help you live a life in which you feel more alert, better rested, and overall happier. While I love watching my clients grow, there just simply isn't enough coaching in the world that I can give people to change their lives. The real change will come from your heavy lifting so to speak. While, as a coach, I offer a fresh prospective, the long-term and noticeable change will come from the time you invest in your own development.

This is to say, no one can want this more than you do. If you are ready to pursue a coaching relationship, you have to be willing to step up to the plate and do your part. Growth will come in coaching sessions, but not to the degree it does from maintaining your wellness regiment. You have the opportunity to transform your life at any point, but you have to want it.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com